Off the Tracks

Off the Tracks

OFF THE TRACKS documents the release of and subsequent reaction to Apple’s controversial
update to their popular video editing software, Final Cut Pro, in 2011. The radical redesign of
Final Cut Pro X polarized the established user base of 2 million users. Many professional editors
abandoned Apple’s editing platform entirely, citing missing features and non-standard
functionality, while some users stuck with Final Cut Pro X as Apple continued to update and
improve the application.

- English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, and Japanese captions available.

Off the Tracks
  • Off The Tracks - Full Documentary

    In 2011 Apple ended Final Cut Pro as we knew it and started over with a brand new video editing application: Final Cut Pro X. The disruption from this change is still being felt by the film, television, and video industries to this day.

    With misinformation running amok, Off The Tracks aims to ...